Objects can either absorb or reflect energy vibrations according to the need. R studio 4 6.
Changes in vibration of one part of the field can effect changes in the entire biofield as the whole and the parts are inter-related.
As all parts of a biofield are interrelated, researchers report that it is important to:neutralize all negative or interfering energies (stressors) in the system; balance or re‑ establish the normal vibrations of the whole; in addition to the specific problem or imbalance.Stressors become a problem only when the biofields natural balance is disturbed.
The greater the harmony between the universal mind and the individual mind, the more rapidly the biofield or specific conditions can be normalized.Mind and matter are inter‑ related.A change in one results in a change in the other. Attitude is most important as energy follows thought.Thought is affected by the energy contained in matter.Frequency is thought in action.
Being able to measure the presence of a particular energy rate or signal allows one to observe changes in that signal resulting from application of balancing energy, be it from allopathic, homeopathic, radionic, laying-on-of-hands or other sources of therapy.

Principle 5 1000 Watt

Researchers report being able to differentiate between signals from normal or healthy tissue and from diseased or potentially abnormal tissue.Obviously, when measuring human signals, the healthy energy rates would be present to a normal degree, while the abnormal signals would be absent or read very low.
Where abnormal signals are present, the healthy signals are generally weak.It is reported that when abnormal signals are corrected, the healthy signals return to a normal level. Conversely, when healthy body signals return to normal levels, most abnormal signals tend to decrease.
The imbalanced or disease-like signals appear to be reduced by application of proper balancing energy.The research charts and rate book numbers for conditions show instrument settings to signal-process the energy from the subtle bodies to provide experimental balancing energy.
Tunings are also available for healthy signals to allow experiments to either boost or balance their amplitudes where the presence of imbalanced signals or pathogens appear to have reduced the normal readings.
Researchers claim to be able to detect the presence of abnormal radiations in the subtle body signals using instruments, and to measure the intensity of such imbalances. The amplitudes of healthy body signals are claimed to be sensed in a similar manner.
Where imbalanced energy is present, researchers have reported correcting such imbalance by application of the listed energy numbers for the conditions or organs and tissue involved. Analysis after such subtle body balancing has shown the correction of the energy imbalance to have taken place.

Principle 5 1000 Amp

Our intent and concentration of our attention on the research question and balancing rate is of primary consideration in IDF experiments.The SE-5 1000 detects and amplifies our thoughts or intent.The instrument helps, to focus, to collect and hold conscious, unconscious and superconscious energies.Because energy follows thought, as you think so shall it come to pass.We just have to be in alignment with the purpose of our efforts.

Principle 5 1000 Equals

The more knowledge we have of a particular subject matter the more clarity in our intent.